The first step is to create the wallpaper. Create a new layer and fill it with color like the picture shown below
Go to channels, create a new alpha channel. Then choose Filter>Render>Fibers
Select the Wallpaper layer,choose Filter>Render>Lighting Effect(Make sure the texture channel is Alpha 1)
Step 2
Go to Paths, select the 70's (Ctrl+Click). Fill with white and name the layer basic chrome shape
Go to channels,create a new channel with the 70's selection and apply stroke(Edit>Stroke). Then apply Gaussian Blur
Next go to Image>Calculations. Change the mode to 'Difference'
Apply Curves(Ctrl+M) and save the selection. You will see the difference in the preview.
Step 3
Bring the 70's selection into the layer. Next, open the 'twenty dollar' image and drag it into the 'background' file. Apply Gaussian Blur to the 'twenty dollar'. Then apply curves and load the saved selection before.
Adjust the selection by pressing Ctrl+L to change the levels.
Next, add mask layer to the selection.
(You can disable the layer mask to adjust the setting)
Lastly, go to Hue/Saturation setting to colorize it and to achieve the chrome effect.
Step 4
To create the shadow,go to Channels and make a copy of the 70's selection. Select it into the layer and fill it with Black. Apply Gaussian Blur and use the Lasso Tool for selection
(image below). The use Feather Selection(Select>Feather)
Next, we need to soften the shadow to make it more realistic. Use Motion Blur(Filter>Blur>Motion Blur) and adjust the settings.
This is the final image
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